Arriscraft Technical Services
Arriscraft products are backed by technical support unparalleled in the industry. We share your goals: to design beautiful buildings that last for generations.
Our technical resources help you ensure the integrity of your project is supported with sound design and best construction practices.
As an Arriscraft customer, you have access to any of our complimentary services:
- Arriscraft•SPEC – our on-line specification guidelines and Arriscraft•CADD – our library with over 10,000 CADD details for download
- Arriscraft•NOTE and Arriscraft•TECH – a collection of discussion papers and technical bulletins prepared by Arriscraft Technical Services
- Arriscraft•CARE documents for guidelines on proper storage, handling, and cleaning of Arriscraft products
- Arriscraft•DATA for industry standard product data sheets, available for all Arriscraft products
- Mason Instructions and Mason Instruction Videos – installation guidelines to achieve random stone ashlar patterns for each Building Stone product line
- Hatch Patterns and Seamless Textures
- Architectural & technical continuing education
- Qualified staff to review your drawings and specifications to conduct a thoroughMasonry Envelope Review
Masonry Envelope Review
This complimentary technical service is one of the strongest benefits of working with Arriscraft. We understand that creating architecturally sound, aesthetically appealing buildings requires
great vision and even greater attention to detail. Arriscraft helps you address and double-check many of these details through our Masonry Envelope Review. All projects, large or small, are eligible for this service.
When we receive your drawings and specifications, our Architectural Technologist conducts a thorough masonry envelope review and responds to you directly, in writing, with appropriate comments and helpful input.
Arriscraft shares your commitment to creating beautiful, long-lasting buildings. Our Masonry Envelope Review service provides prompt, insightful feedback that will support (and possibly enhance) the final product.
Areas Covered:
- Building movement joint placement and details
- Flashing membranes and weep vents
- Wall caps and copings
- Shelf angle details
- Mortar materials and mixes
- Product performance criteria
- Specified tolerances
- Product handling and storage requirements
- Cleaning procedures
What We Need from You:
- Floor plans (indicating wall sections and plan details)
- Wall sections (indicating section details)
- Building elevations (indicating location of particular materials)
- Plan and section details (describing masonry procedures, mortar connectors, movement joints, cleaning, etc.)
- A copy of the project manual (Division 4, Masonry)
How to Submit Your Paper Documents:
Submit your drawings and specification sections, by mail, to:
Technical Services Department
P.O. Box 3190,
875 Speedsville Road
Cambridge, ON, Canada N3H 4S8
Fax: 519-653-1337
Please include your name (and the names of any other contacts), your company name, the mailing address, a phone and fax number, and an email address.
How to Submit Your Electronic Documents:
- Before sending specifications and drawings electronically, compress the information through a file compression utility such as WinZIP. If possible, when emailing, send several smaller files versus a single large file to help the transmission process.
- Send specification sections in WordPerfect, Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat files.
- Send drawings as AutoCAD.dwg, generic.dxf files (Version 2010 or earlier) or Adobe Acrobat .pdf files.
- Please do not send plot files.