Adair® Limestone Featured on Montreal’s First Net Zero Public Building

Adair Limestone on Net Zero Pavillion
Completed earlier this year, the new Welcome Pavilion at Récréo Parc incorporates a museum to promote Montreal’s 375th birthday! The gorgeous pavilion is the city’s first public net zero building and is targeting LEED Gold Certification. Arriscraft’s Adair® split face masonry units (in sepia colour) are combined with natural tone wood panels to create a contemporary, yet earthy and inviting, exterior.

Planners have designed the museum to demonstrate the principles of sustainable development used in the park and pavilion. The museum exhibits will educate visitors on the ‘principles of Passivhaus and the Living Building Challenge by addressing the following: the potential of the site, water, energy, health, materials, fairness and beauty, in a holistic vision of the project.’*

Adair Limestone Featured on Montreal’s First Net Zero Public Building

Adair Limestone Featured on Montreal’s First Net Zero Public Building

Adair® limestone is quarried in Ontario, Canada and has been used on dozens of prestigious and culturally important buildings throughout North America, including the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC, Montreal Symphony House, the National Museum of Health and Medicine (Maryland), Queens’ University, and many more. Adair® comes in natural sepia and blue grey and is cut to expose a veined or fleuri pattern. We offer masonry units, dimensional stone, tile and landscaping products.

To learn more about the Welcome Pavilion project, including all of the ecological characteristics of the building and site, click here:

PROJECT: Pavillon d’accueil du Parcours Gouin
10905 rue Basile-Routhier, Montreal