Introducing Our Two New Adair Limestone Products – Parliament and Studio!
Adair Studio
Adair Studio features a brand new finish – glacial! This clean finish reveals the beautiful fleuri pattern of the limestone and natural elements like fossils. Like, Parliament, Studio is available in Adair’s sepia colour and in three face heights. You can see from the picture below, that a coursed installation delivers a sleek, sophisticated look, although you can choose an ashlar pattern as well. Studio’s long lengths – up to 35-5/8″ accentuate it’s modern look.
Adair Parliament
Our new Parliament stone features a rugged split face finish and natural sepia tone. This distinctive stone exudes character! We’ve designed Parliament in three face rises (or heights) that can be installed in a coursed fashion – which simply means that stones are installed in a layer of the same unit running horizontally in a wall . This linear style installation more efficient than a classic ashlar pattern (but you can choose that option if you prefer). A coursed installation, coupled with the extra-long lengths (up to 35-5/8″) delivers an elegant and modern finished look.
Adair Parliament – coursed installation using three face rises (heights).
Imagine adding the permanence and elegance of natural limestone to your home design. Plus, you will never need to maintenance or replace this stone, it simply lasts for generations. If you’re looking to add dramatic style, check out our full Adair product line, which includes our lively Georgian Blend that features both sepia and blue grey, as well as our Thin Adair. Enjoy planning this spring and contact your Arriscraft dealer for more product information.